Sonntag, 08.09.2024

Putin plant feierliche Amtseinführung in Moskau: Russland im Fokus


Anna Freising
Anna Freising
Anna Freising ist eine engagierte Lokaljournalistin, die mit ihrem unermüdlichen Einsatz für die Belange der Bürgerinnen und Bürger eintritt.

Putin’s upcoming inauguration is facing a significant lack of foreign guests due to ongoing conflicts and strained relations with several countries. The ceremony, along with the Victory Day celebrations, is being affected by the shadow of the war in Ukraine.

The political isolation of Putin has led to a significant reduction in foreign guests for the inauguration. Countries like the Czech Republic, Estonia, and others have boycotted the event, reflecting the impact of conflicts on diplomatic relations. Cyberattacks on Germany attributed to Russia have further strained relations. The absence of key foreign delegates reflects the political isolation of Putin and the impact of conflicts on diplomatic relations. Additionally, changes in foreign policies of some nations also contribute to the diminishing foreign participation in the inauguration and related events.


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