Freitag, 26.07.2024

Where is Jeton Morina? The Search in Marburg


Christine Märzig
Christine Märzig
Christine Märzig ist eine leidenschaftliche Reporterin, die sich für Umweltthemen engagiert.

Jeton Morina, a 30-year-old resident of Marburg, is currently missing and in need of urgent medical attention. The local police are seeking the assistance of the public in locating him. It is imperative to find him as he requires essential medication, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Described as approximately 1.75 meters tall with dark short hair and a lean build, Morina was last contacted by phone on Tuesday, May 28th, around 1 p.m. He was wearing a blue pair of trousers, a black hoodie with a hood, a blue baseball cap with a white ‚N,‘ and blue Nike sneakers. Additionally, he was carrying a black backpack. The Marburg police can be reached at 06421/4060.

Authorities urgently request any information regarding the whereabouts of Jeton Morina, as his dependency on medication puts his safety at risk.


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