Freitag, 20.09.2024

Tipps für BVB-Fans, wie sie Tickets für das Champions-League-Finale ergattern können


Uwe Simon
Uwe Simon
Uwe Simon ist ein erfahrener Politikredakteur, der mit seiner Präzision und Gründlichkeit überzeugt.

Borussia Dortmund fans have the opportunity to secure tickets for the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium in London. The article outlines the application process, ticket prices, and other relevant details for fans interested in attending the final.

The ticket application phase runs from Wednesday to Sunday, May 12, and is open to full-paying members of Borussia Dortmund and season ticket holders. Only one application per person is allowed, but it can be for two tickets. Ticket prices vary by category, with options for fans, and payment is only accepted in pounds. Those who did not register on the UEFA website by April 16 have no chance of getting tickets through that channel. There is a separate application process for people with disabilities, and a valid passport is required for travel to the UK.

It’s important to note the specific details and deadlines for obtaining tickets to the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium. The information provided in this article serves as a guide for Borussia Dortmund fans who are eager to participate in this memorable event. By following the outlined process, fans can increase their chances of attending the highly anticipated final and supporting their team.


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